Table 1 Census Records of Proposed Site (Site Name: Osaka Nankou Bird Sanctuaryj |
English Name |
Latin Name |
Census records (month/day) |
1% of |
0.25% of |
Year |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
Migration |
Date |
Size |
Date |
Size |
Date |
Size |
Date |
Size |
Date |
Size |
Date |
Size |
Date |
Size |
period |
Little Ringed Plover |
Charadrius dubius |
250 |
63 |
Southward |
8/17 |
280 |
8/07 |
63 |
7/15 |
115 |
7/31 |
215 |
8/21 |
80 |
curonicus |
migration |
8/11 |
122 |
8/02 |
298 |
period |
Kentish Plover |
Charadrius |
1,000 |
250 |
Northward |
7/28 |
365 |
3/30 |
380 |
3/29 |
305 |
3/31 |
363 |
3/24 |
457 |
3/27 |
540 |
3/18 |
250 |
alexandrinus |
migration |
4/10 |
517 |
4/03 |
401 |
4/05 |
444 |
3/26 |
591 |
3/29 |
700 |
3/29 |
250 |
dealbatus |
period |
4/21 |
501 |
4/17 |
306 |
4/15 |
461 |
4/03 |
550 |
4/06 |
596 |
4/13 |
430 |
Southward |
8/17 |
280 |
8/16 |
269 |
7/17 |
301 |
migration |
8/01 |
321 |
period |
8/12 |
301 |
Grey-tailed |
Tringa brevipes |
400 |
100 |
Southward |
8/15 |
119 |
Tattler |
migration |
period |
Red-necked Stint |
Calidris ruficollis |
3,200 |
800 |
Northward |
5/09 |
953 |
migration |
5/10 |
1340 |
period |
5/11 |
1450 |
5/12 |
1400 |
5/21 |
1160 |
5/25 |
1024 |
Note) |
1. Bold figures: maximum population in each migration period |
2. Underlined figures: not less than 1% level of MPE |
3. Dreged soil was instilled into nearby reclaimed land (Yumeshima landfill, distance from the Bird Sanctuary: 500 m) from autumn of 2001. |
Consequently, a large flock of kentish plover, dunlin and red-necked stint |
began to utilize for feeding, and the number of these shorebirds in Osaka Nankou Bird Sanctuary was decreased. (Yumeshima landfill, 390ha) |